Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Happily, there was some heat, even if it wasn’t enough. The natural gas dispute that Ukraine and Russia had at the beginning of the year is settled for the time being, and the gas is back on after Russia cut its supply to Ukraine and Western Europe for a few days. Ukraine gets only around 30% of its gas from Russia, and I didn’t hear of any major shortages in Ukraine – from what I read in the news, people in Western Europe suffered more. In the new contract, Ukraine has agreed to pay around $100 per cubic meter, up from $50. More expensive than before, but not as bad as others - the Baltics pay around $120 and in Western Europe prices are expected to be around $250.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
Andy and Sara photos

Our guests have gone and things are quiet around here, as we recover from colds, probably caught while tramping around Kiev in the freezing weather. Andy and Sara's visit was a great extension to our holidays and we don't really want to get back to work again. Such is life. The picture on the left is in front of the Christmas

Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
New Year's 2006
This year we wanted to do something special New Year’s Eve. Brian and Verena Enns (our new coworkers in Zaporozhye) were visiting us and we decided that it would be enjoyable to “bring in the New Year” in Lenin Square, in the center of Donetsk.
Neither Laura nor I had ever been anywhere resembling Times Square for such an event, and this may have been as close as we will ever come. While they did not have a large ball dropping to start the New Year, we knew when it came. There were fireworks everywhere. Some of the people celebrating in the square probably had a little too much to drink, and that probably hindered their ability to actually wait until midnight. That was good, because it served as a countdown of sorts. At midnight, we watched several large fireworks displays. It felt safe, even though debris was falling on us and inebriated people were dancing, singing, and shooting off their own moderate shows in our very close proximity.
Everyone seemed to be happy, as New Year’s is the big holiday every year for the majority of Ukrainians. It is the one time of the year when the markets seem to be overrun with fireworks and other nonessential products. And we know now that people are buying them.
Christmas seems like a long time ago, and it’s been a fun holiday. Holiday festivities finally picked up at DCU during the last week before Western Christmas. Although we had to teach Saturday English classes on Christmas Eve morning, we spent the evening with Americans friends and enjoyed a typical holiday feast. We thought December 25 was just going to be an ordinary Sunday in church, since Ukrainians generally celebrate Christmas on Jan. 7. But we were happily surprised to hear a couple Christmas-themed sermons, and enjoyed singing Joy to the World and Silent Night.
Our guests for Christmas evening were the Konoplitsky’s, a couple from church. We made another traditional Christmas dinner, and had fun describing the different dishes to our guests, most of which were unfamiliar to them. At one point in the evening the conversation switched to peanut butter, and we produced our imported jar for them to sample this foreign food for the first time. (They said they had wanted to try it ever since they saw Brad Pitt eating it in “Meet Joe Black.” Such are the cultural influences American movies have in the rest of the world). It was a fun but tiring night as we concentrated as hard as we could to understand and be understood in Russian. By the end, a lot was going over our heads. But it didn’t seem to matter too much.