Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Farewell to long underwear

The coming of spring in Ukraine is a long-awaited event for everyone, for a variety of reasons. The most obvious ones include sunny days, green landscape and warmer temperatures. One of my most important, and probably less common, reasons for anticipating spring is the banishment of long underwear from my daily wardrobe. And I’m happy to say that, three weeks after the “official” first day of spring in Ukraine, temperatures have risen high enough that the long underwear has been officially banished to the closet, not to be seen until next November.

During the winter, long underwear is an essential item of clothing for me, worn every single day. Since we don’t have a car, I spend lots of time getting from here to there by walking and waiting for public transport. And once I get to where I’m going, warm indoor temperatures aren’t guaranteed. Few places I know are warm enough that I don’t need the extra warmth reinforcement provided by long underwear. And although I couldn’t do without the extra warmth, the day I can throw them in the closet and forget about them for half a year is a day of celebration. Why? They are bunchy, they make my clothes fit worse, they’re an extra skin that stifles me. Here I suppose I should say that long underwear has come a long way. My long underwear isn’t the thick, waffly-looking, baggy cotton stuff that old men wear for pajamas. Technology has come a long way, and my long underwear is fairly thin, smooth and stretchy. “Cuddleduds” is the cute, modern brand name. Still, without my extra layer of clothing, I’ve felt quite liberated the past few days. Spring is truly here.
