Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Bike Ride

Over the weekend I helped lead a bike ride for five boys (ages 12-16) from Good Shepherd. We also led devotional times with them with the theme of “Becoming the Person God Wants You to Be.” It was a great way to get to know a few of the kids on a more one-on-one level as well as have an excuse to talk of some deeper things we don’t usually get into in a game of basketball.

We rode 50 miles each of the first two days, arriving at the Sea of Azov where we could relax a bit. We set up tents on the beach and lived on the beach and in the sea. It was a great time, even if some of us weren’t as deliberate as others and got some serious sun burn.

It was a humbling experience, with me and another N. American heading up the rear for the majority of the ride. They had planned to make the trip back in one day (Saturday) but moved it back to Sunday because of lack of time at the beach. I had already planned a work-related trip so the two of us who were always in the back felt we had a good excuse to take a bus back instead of dragging the rest of the group down on the day they wanted to do 100 miles. They arrived at Good Shepherd at 10 Sunday night. I was saddened that circumstances “didn’t allow” me to make the trip with them, but I was glad to already be sound asleep at that time (I didn’t end up making my trip, I left Monday afternoon). I’m quite the leader!


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