In my short time here, I have become far more dependent on others than I have been since childhood. I am sure that I am a burden at times and I wish that weren't the case. The trouble is that I just don't know much about what is going on. My Russian is weak so I can't communicate well with the vast majority of the people here. This forces me to rely on a very small group of people for a not-so-small amount of imformation. I appreciate everyone who is patient with me and helps me learn and do things, yet I have found that two attributes are the ones I appreciate the most: being laid back and caring. Many people have demonstrated great deal of both attributes and I am thankful for that.
In my own life, I find that these personality traits are often at odds with each other. I am sometimes too laid-back and put little emphasis on what others around me think is important. At the same time, I am often impatient with others around me for putting so much emphasis on "trivial things" and not caring about the "important things." I guess it is time for me to grow up.
It is funny to think that in the next three years there will be people here who know less than me. They will depend on me for information and I hope to remember this time. Starting today, I will try to be as laid back and caring as I can be.