The DCU school year is now officially complete – graduation was held yesterday and the festivities lasted into the night. The ceremony began at ten, and I donned my cap and gown and sat with the other professors on stage through the two-hour ceremony. I didn’t catch everything, but my ever-faithful colleague Yana was next to me, translating the important things. It was very hot, so I was grateful for the bottle of cold soda not-so-discreetly passed among students and professors on stage during the ceremony. The atmosphere was quite casual, with photographers frequently walking on stage and taking close-up shots of the graduates. I had prepared for a three-hour ceremony, according to reports of last year, so two hours was a refreshing surprise. At the end of the ceremony the graduates released doves on the steps of the administration building, and then spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying a couple special meals in the cafeteria (chocolate bars for dessert!) and hanging out with family. In the evening, everyone again converged in the chapel for the annual “graduation party,” which is a talent/awards show that involves anyone who wants to participate. One of the organizers began asking two months ago if Dave and I would prepare an act for the evening. Since we are the token American couple who lives and works on campus, we are frequently singled out in such ways. However, we didn’t come up with much. Although we probably didn’t think as hard as we should have, we figured we should give it at least a year as observers, and then know what to expect for next year. Meanwhile, we enjoyed everyone else’s talent.
This week campus has gotten progressively quieter every day, but our work continues. Saturday English classes end this week, and planning for Summer English Intensive in July will fill my days from now until then.