Learning to roast marshmallows
To the left is one of our Summer Intensive evening activities ... campfire and roasting marshmallows. In the picture, one of our American helpers is teaching the art of marshmallow roasting and smore-making - since marshmallows can't be found here in Ukraine, roasting them is quite a foreign idea. On Friday the last batch of students will graduate and we'll be done for the summer. On Saturday, I'll fly home for my sister's and Dave's brother's weddings. Dave left yesterday to catch a friend's wedding in Kansas this weekend. It's been a good Summer English Intensive session overall, but I am quite ready for a break and am counting the days (along with the rest of the staff who organized this summer's activities) until we're done. Dave and I will be in the States until August 24, then we'll head back to Ukraine to start the school year at DCU. Laura