Today I picked some tomatoes. Around 260 or 270lbs had already been picked and canned by the cafeteria staff (while we were gone) so this was the first significant tomato harvest performed by me. This morning I picked about 40lbs of very nice tomatoes for canning purposes. I am pleased that the garden is producing good produce.
I was uncertain whether the cafeteria people would want the other 25lbs that I had picked. The tomatoes were covered with spots, sunburn, and bug holes. Laura and I have been cutting off the bad spots and eating them in salads for the last few weeks but we haven’t been able to keep up with the bad ones that the garden seems to want to produce. I couldn’t let them go to waste so I asked the cafeteria people if they would have a use for them.
When I brought them the second load, I was pleasantly surprised the first were already sorted, cleaned, sliced, and simmering in a large pot on the stovetop. They were preparing them for today’s lunch. I don’t know why I was thinking that they would be picky, but for some reason I had worried that they wouldn’t want them. It is so great to see them using the produce directly from the garden. And the ugly stuff at that.