This blog is a bit belated. We spent the second week of May near Yalta in Crimea (southern Ukraine) with the rest of the MCC Europe team, at summer retreat. Although the setting was beautiful - our balcony overlooked the Black Sea - the weather was cold. Perhaps ok, though, since most of our time was spent inside in meetings. We had a good time nevertheless - it's always fun to connect with other MCCers from other places. It was also great to see a different side of Ukraine - mountains, winding roads and the sea, compared with plains, coal mines and smoke-belching factories. As everyone back in Donetsk advised, we breathed deeply and got our fill of fresh Crimean air. A few photos:

Even though it was freezing cold and cloudy, Dave and David Martin (Serbia) had to take a dip in the Black Sea, just to say they'd done it.

At a scenic spot along the coast.

The "Swallow's Nest" castle near Yalta.