This past week I went to the
Twelve kids and four adults went to the camp, where we slept in tents and cooked our food over the fire. Our campsite was located about 500 yards from the sea, so we spent a lot of time there. We swam a lot and played a lot of soccer, ultimate Frisbee, and Rook. We also had a lot of quality hangout time on the beach and around the campfire. It was a really good time.
We were advised to always keep a close watch on the kids because they may try to sneak away periodically for a smoke break (which is VERY forbidden in the Baptist community here) and I was surprised how few times this seemed to happen. I won’t go so far as to say that none of the kids were able to sneak away for this, but I was very impressed. The kids at “Our Home” (also called Good Shepherd) are a bunch of really great kids.
Even though Our Home isn’t formally written into my job description, I find myself wanting to spend more and more time there, and maybe wishing it were my full-time “job.” I remember how impressionable I was in my teenage years and am so thankful that I had great role models to look up to. It is my hope that by spending my time with these kids, and especially the boys, I am able to be a role model for them to look up to. The nationals who work there are doing a great job and I am so glad that I have found a place where I can plug in a bit and really believe in what is happening there.