I've been meaning to post this picture for awhile. It's of the MCC container of material aid - canned turkey, clothing, health kits, etc. being unloaded at DCU in August. For the past several years, DCU has received a container like this one every fall, and this was the first time we happened to be around when it was unloaded. Recently each employee at DCU waited patiently in line to received a case of tushonka, (canned turkey) which was a blessing for everyone. This time of the year is always difficult financially for DCU, and since teachers haven't received their salaries for a couple months, they were especially grateful for the meat. Earlier this fall, both staff and students took their turn going through the clothing received in the shipment, also timely at the time when kids were needing back to school clothing and the season was changing. After being on the North American side of MCC's material aid projects - buying supplies for health kits and school kits, and helping with meat canning in SD and MN, it's good to be on the other side - and see it being used and appreciated by the recipients.
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